Super Gains With Supersets - Oxygen Magazine

Second only to legs, your back probably takes the most out of you when it comes to training. But unfortunately, you don’t always have tons of time to dedicate to working this massive muscle group. In those instances, a superset workout are your best bet, and this superset packs six moves and 13 sets into a turbocharged 30-minutes-or-less format.

Warm up for five to 10 minutes with some light cardio and dynamic stretching that focuses on the shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips and neck, then begin your first superset. Do the superset moves back-to-back and rest no more than 60 seconds between to fast-track your workout duration and your calorie burn. Use a light to moderate weight for your first superset, then aim for a moderately heavy weight for the rest of the moves. Keep your reps pretty high to increase your time under tension, which boosts muscle development.

Barbell Good Morning

Setup: Balance a barbell across your shoulders and traps and grasp it lightly with both hands. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, shoulders down and back, and focus forward.

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