RuPaul’s Saturday Night Live Hosting Debut Was Definitely Not a Drag

RuPaul hosted Saturday Night Live for the very first time this weekend, and it took the reality sensation almost no time to start decorating the place with pearls of wisdom. “I always say you’re born naked, and whatever you put on is drag,” RuPaul said, after explaining the concept of RuPaul’s Drag Race to the live audience. “So, whatever you put on after you get out of the shower, baby, that’s your drag.”

RuPaul then went on to give advice to anyone trying to follow those fabulous footsteps for a similarly successful history in the entertainment industry. “I’ve been in the business for a really long time, had lots of ups and downs. And there are three things that always get me through everything,” RuPaul explained. “Number one, get the money up front. Number two, if they ain’t paying your bills, pay them no mind. And finally, don’t take life too seriously. I mean, there are things I take seriously. I take kindness seriously. I take love seriously. But all the rest? Baby, just have fun. And if you follow your heart and dare to be different and use all of the colors in the crayon box, who knows where you’ll end up. If you’re lucky, you just might find yourself hosting Saturday Night Live.

That playful, but sage spirit continued throughout the evening’s sketches, too.

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While RuPaul opted for a two-piece suit for the opening monologue, the costuming got a lot more ornate later on in the show, particularly in the “Chad & RuPaul” skit which featured a shimmery gown that had to eat up half the week’s wardrobe budget.

The setting was a magazine cover photo shoot in which RuPaul decided against keeping all the glory and wanted to give a full makeover to newcomer, like the random and rather dim studio aide named Chad (Pete Davidson). Despite a spirited effort on RuPaul’s part, though, it was … not a successful endeavor. Even an artist with as much experience as RuPaul needs clay that actually wants to be molded.

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Another standout moment of the evening came with “The Library,” which again featured RuPaul doing a very different kind of drag by putting some of the most popular children’s story characters of all time to shame.

“Oooh, Eloise. You need to call the front desk and get a hot oil treatment for that broom on your head,” RuPaul said of the classic book’s cover. “And what is she doing? Popping a fart? Got that leg cranked out all nasty, girl please.” Madeline also earned its rebuke of, “Miss Madeline, I have bad news child. The Eiffel Tower is not in the woods. Girl, you better draw France right bitch. Somebody trying to act like they been to Paris. You never been there girl, uh uh.” And if you thought those were funny, just wait ’til you hear what actually inspired that iconic Nancy Drew cover.

Other clips worth watching include the “Check-Splitting” gag which featured RuPaul and Cecily Strong channeling Designing Women‘s Sugarbaker sisters over an unfair lunch bill sharing system, the “Family Charades” skit about a neighborly game night that got way out of hand, and the “Thirsty Cops” segment which was … well, it was exactly what the title suggested: a pair of thirsty cops on patrol.

Saturday Night Live airs Saturdays at 11:30/10:30c on NBC.

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Saturday Night Live" width="2070" height="1380" title="​RuPaul, Saturday Night Live" data-amp-src="" data-lazy-src="http://image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=%3D&is-pending-load=1" srcset="data:image/gif;base64,">RuPaul, Saturday Night Live

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