Robotic Solutions to Simplify Business Processes for B2B Enterprises

Robots are an inevitable part of our daily life today. The most successful enterprises today have already implemented robotic automation years ago, gaining primacy for their business optimization.

Understanding Technologies for Smarter Automation Implementation

Robotic automation at the workplace is nothing new in 2020. The future is expected to bring significant advances in technology with improved efficiency and new transformations with the robot workforce. Market leaders have upgraded their strategic plans with a focus on driving enhanced business opportunities. As per a forecast by the International Federation of Robotics, the use of robots will be doubled in 2020 – more than 3 million bots to be used by various industries. For instance, to track the flow of sensitive information, tech companies are using already using RPA bots. Also, big companies like Walmart, Alibaba, Amazon, etc. have been benefitted for years with the help of bots.

Businesses are increasingly adopting robotics to meet different operational challenges brought about by new technologies and digital transformation. The “Deloitte TMT predictions 2020”  predicts that more than 50% of the robot sales in 2020 is going to be for enterprise support, generating $16 billion in revenue. It is expected that professional service bots would leave industrial robots behind in terms of units in 2020 and revenue in 2021. Another prediction by Forrester indicates that the investment plans for RPA will exceed $2.9 billion in 2021.

In the mature robots marketplace, more success stories are expected to come up with companies leveraging RPA for more processes! Today, robotic process automation (RPA) is increasingly used in businesses and has replaced humans with robots and algorithms. In the words of Tom Galluzzo, CTO of IAM Robotics, as reported by Robotics Business Review, “In 2020 we’re likely to see another big acquisition or major partnership between a logistics robotics company and a large enterprise retailer, or e-commerce company. The market for these robots is still growing strong because the need for labor isn’t slowing down.”

Many B2B organizations have used disruptive technology to modernize their systems over the last decade. For them, it makes sense to incorporate robots in different core service features. Nearly 80% of enterprises will switch to robots in 2020 to save customer service costs for about 30% – a study IBM claims.

AI Reshaping Retail; Adapt the Tech or Die

Huge technological advancements and widespread cultural acceptance are going to lead to further automation of the digital world. With innovative technology adoption, B2B enterprises are continually finding new sources for value addition in 2020 and beyond. Robotics and RPA will undoubtedly be the most disruptive ways forward for this new age enterprise.

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