Rise of the machines: New robot carrying out surgery at the Royal Stoke University Hospital

Doctors and patients have welcomed the arrival of a new addition at the Royal Stoke University Hospital – a surgical robot.

The ‘Da Vinci XI’ is the second surgical robot to be used at Staffordshire’s biggest hospital – after the first arrived in 2014.

Together, the machines will radically improve the treatment of urology, general surgery and gynaecology patients.

The addition means the University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust has made history by being the only NHS Trust in the West Midlands to have two surgical robots and the latest robotic technology.

The most advanced robot in its range, the Da Vinci XI’s surgical system provides a surgeon with a cutting-edge set of instruments to use in performing minimally invasive surgery.

The first patient to be operated on with the new robot was 63-year-old Andrew Diddams.

Royal Stoke A&E cubicle

Andrew, from Madeley, said: “The surgeon really explained in depth how the robot works and this was the latest one that had only been delivered a few days prior to my surgery.

“The surgery went really well and I am already being discharged, less than 24 hours following my operation.”

Lyndon Gommersall, a consultant urologist, thinks the new robot will benefit patients.

He said: “Robotic keyhole surgery has many advantages over open surgery as patients can expect a shorter stay in hospital, quicker recovery and less blood loss.

“It also has an advantage over traditional laparoscopic or keyhole surgery because it is more accurate, reducing any surgical side effects for example infections.”

The surgical system consists of a four-arm robot connected to a remote console which the surgeon operates while seated. Foot pedals are used for control, and 3D displays provide a unique depiction of the surgical field.

Anurag Golash, who is also a consultant urologist, welcomes the second robot.

He said: “It also allows precise partial removal of the kidney in suitable kidney cancer patients, leaving the rest of the healthy kidney inside the patient, preserving precious renal function.

“Now UHNM has two of these robotic surgical systems we can offer these services in high volume, further improving our outcomes.”

Chris Luscombe is a consultant urologist and cancer lead for the Trust.

He added: “The second surgical robot not only gives us more capacity to treat more patients, but the upgraded system also gives surgeons in different specialities the ability to perform new complex keyhole surgical procedures.

“Having two robotic systems and a variety of different surgeons using them means UHNM is recognised as one of the largest robotic centres in the region.”

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UHNM chief executive, Tracy Bullock thinks the robot is an ‘astounding investment’ for the trust.

She said: “Patients will see real benefits from this. The Trust now has two state-of-the-art surgical robots and because of these we can continue to provide the very best services for our patients around Staffordshire.

“This is something that will attract the best surgeons to work at UHNM and I’m very grateful to our clinicians for their hard work in bringing this technology to our patients.”​

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