Ready Set Core: Six Exercises a Day for a Stronger Core

Ready Set Core: Six Exercises a Day for a Stronger Core

As January is quickly coming to a close, don’t let your New Year’s resolutions fall to the wayside. Take the time to work out, whether you are in or out of the gym. With a little commitment, you can keep your goals all year-round. Start with these six core building exercises scattered throughout the day. 

Getting Started 

Before beginning any sort of exercise regimen, take the time to go over your diet. Getting in shape does not require drastic cuts in your meal prep, but does require checking the quality and quantity of food. Take the rule of everything in moderation and apply it to your meal plan for the day. There are always healthy alternatives or new options if needed. Finally, stay hydrated. Whatever else you drink during the day, make sure to include a healthy amount of water.    

Two in the Morning 

Get your day going with two quick exercises, starting with cobra pose. Lay on your stomach with your legs stretched out and hands under your shoulders. Slowly push your chest up until your arms are straight, or as far as you are comfortable, keeping your legs flat. Hold for 30 seconds. Exhale as you lower yourself down, repeat five times. 

Next, move to your back for windshield wipers. Raise your legs straight up and bend your knees to a 90-degree angle. Keeping your knees together, slowly lower your legs to one side without touching the bed. Bring your legs back up to the center, before repeating on the opposite side. Once you return your legs to the center, you have completed your first of 10 reps. Don’t forget to add new exercises to your workout

Two in the Afternoon 

Even at work, you can get in a quick workout. Start with your feet flat on the ground. Keeping your back straight, take a deep breath inhaling through your nose and expanding your stomach first. Slowly lift one leg until your foot reaches the bottom of your desk. Lower your leg and repeat with the opposite leg. Try to do at least ten lifts on each side. 

For your next exercise, return to your original seated position. Place your feet wider than your shoulders. Keeping your back straight, as if holding a barbell on your shoulders, slowly rotate your chest to the right engaging your core the whole time. Slowly return to the center and continue to twist to the left before returning to the center completing one rep. With seated core exercises, you can keep your exercise plan no matter where you are. 

Two at Night 

To finish off your day, take advantage of your TV time for full core activities. Start with a plank. Begin by laying on your stomach, keeping your feet and elbows shoulder-width apart. Without moving your elbows, bring your hands together into a fist. Keeping your feet shoulder length apart, and your core engaged, push your body up until your arms are at a 90-degree angle. 

Try to avoid common mistakes like a drooping back or hips. Proper form is key to a complete workout. Time your planks to your level, either in 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or 1-minute intervals. Next, it’s crunch time. Lay on your back with your feet flat on the ground, legs bent. Put your hands either clasped behind your head or crossed on your chest. Use your abs to raise your chest until your shoulder blades are about 1 to 2 inches off the floor. Hold for a few seconds and lower down. Set a goal for yourself, gradually adding crunches as you progress in your exercises. 

Staying on track is easy if you give yourself the time to do it. Watch your diet, stay hydrated and make time for exercising throughout the day. You don’t have to give up on your workout goals so long as you keep trying and make the time.   

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