Oscars 2020: Watch Billie Eilish’s In Memoriam Performance of The Beatles ‘Yesterday’

Fewer and fewer people may be tuning in to awards shows every year, but they’re all still frantically searching Youtube for Billie Eilish! 92nd Annual Academy Awards aired Sunday night, with Billie Eilish taking the stage to perform for the In Memoriam, and that performance might end up being the most-watched moment of the night.

Billie Eilish sang a cover of The Beatles’ “Yesterday” as the producers, actors, writers, and other members of Tinseltown who had passed in the last year scrolled across the screen, and it was actually an incredibly emotional tribute. The video of her performance went up on ABC’s Youtube channel and immediately started accruing views at a rate that quite obviously put every other video from the night’s show to shame. In less than 30 minutes, the video had nearly 50,000 views, far outstripping all the speeches, presenters, and performances from the evening.

The only competition Billie might have is Joaquin Phoenix’s acceptance speech for Best Actor, which, to put it kindly, kind of has the appeal of watching a car crash happen in slow motion.

Check out more TV Guide coverage of the 2020 Oscars here.

Billie Eilish, 2020 Oscars

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