Organic farming conference is Feb. 27-29 | Agri News

LA CROSSE, Wis. – Farmers will find the latest on organic methods for field crops, livestock, vegetables and specialty at the 31st annual MOSES Organic Farming Conference Feb. 27-29 here.

The conference, organized by the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES), is the country’s largest event on organic agriculture. It features 60 workshops over six sessions, 10 full-day classes, a two-floor trade show, roundtable discussions, and more opportunities to network and learn.

The three-day event starts Feb. 27 with 10 in-depth classes running from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The classes cover conservation programs, the financial impact of organic grain transition, small ruinants, CBD hemp, high tunnels, managed grazing, crop rotations, co-ops and organic fruit trees. 

The trade show features more than 170 vendors — buyers, suppliers and organizations offering services that support farmers. It opens the evening of Feb. 27 and runs through Feb. 29.

Leah Penniman, the author of “Farming While Black,” gives the keynote Feb. 28. She has been a soil steward and food sovereignty activist for more than 20 years. John Ikerd presents the keynote Feb. 29. He is an economist, educator and author, whose life work has focused on family-scale farms that protect the natural ecosystem, nurture rural communities, and provide livelihoods for farmers.

Go to for registration information, workshop descriptions, and more details.

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