Onslow Memorial Hospital adds Mazor X Stealth Robotic System

ONSLOW COUNTY, NC (WITN) Onslow Memorial Hospital has added the Mazor X Stealth Robotic Guidance System, which offers a minimally invasive approach to spinal surgery, one of just four hospitals in North Carolina to provide this service.

The Mazor X provides surgeons with 3D planning, guidance, and analytical tools said to significantly enhance patient outcomes.

“We are excited to bring this state-of-the-art technology to our community for back pain patients,” said OMH President and CEO, Dr. Penney Burlingame Deal.

The Mazor X delivers 3D imaging to the surgeon before, during, and after a procedure. Before surgery, the system analyzes scans of the patient to assist the surgeon in creating a preoperative plan. During surgery, the surgeon utilizes a robotic arm to guide surgical tools and implants to improve accuracy and provide an efficient and smooth surgery.

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