Odd Object Training - Oxygen Magazine

With the popularity of events such as CrossFit and obstacle course racing comes a new kind of training protocol that looks, well, odd. It’s odd object training, to be precise, and it can use any non-barbell or -dumbbell piece of equipment from a water-filled tube or sandbag to a bucket of rocks or giant tractor tire. Awkward? Yes, but that’s the point: Your body is forced to deal with that awkwardness, recruiting muscles in new ways and forcing your body to work synergistically.

Force your muscles to work in new ways

“The brain thinks in terms of movement, not specific muscles, and odd object training can help us get strong in athletic ways that are more primal,” says Joe DiStefano, CSCS, director of training and fitness for the Spartan Race series. “Traditionally speaking, weight training is extremely controlled: The weights are premeditated, evenly loaded and perfectly balanced, and we move through a very thoughtful, strategic range of motion. However, the demands imposed during sports are totally unpredictable. By training with objects that are imbalanced, awkward or unstable, we can improve our ability to control the unpredictability stressors and demands we face in competition or in life.”

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