The NFL will be releasing all musical acts from Super Bowl LIV to Apple Music, including performances from Demi Lovato, Shakira, and more.

Demi Lovato will perform the National Anthem | Image Credit: Joo Bicalho
The NFL is releasing a visual album that will contain every musical performance from Super Bowl LIV. Acts included are Demi Lovato singing the National Anthem, Yolanda Adams singing America the Beautiful, and the half time show that features both Jennifer Lopez and Shakira.
Each performance will go live on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, and other services shortly after they happen, according to a press release by the NFL.
The visual album, titled Super Bowl LIV Live will also be able for purchase through Apple Music, and will be available for pre-order and pre-save starting today.
All proceeds from Lovato and Adams’ performances will go toward the NFL’s Inspire Change program, which works to create positive change in education and economic advancement, police and community relations, as well as criminal justice reform.
“With the abundance of technology in today’s world, it was extremely important to us that we are able to share the ground-breaking Super Bowl performances with our fans across the globe after they occur,” said Brian Rolapp, evp and chief media & business officer. “This visual and audio album is the first of its kind and will allow fans to experience the greatness of the artists’ performance on Super Bowl Sunday at their fingertips and across multiple platforms anytime they choose so.”