Legacies’ Chris Wood Teases Kai and Josie’s Battle of Wills

The last time Kai (Chris Wood) saw Josie (Kaylee Bryant), he was chasing after 5-year-old versions her and Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) with an ax in The Vampire Diaries‘ final season. Now that she’s all grown up and stuck in his prison world on Legacies, Kai might have to be ready to pick on someone his own size.

We know Kai and Josie will cross paths in his prison world thanks to TV Guide’s exclusive sneak peek at the episode, and that’s sure to be a tense family reunion. Not only did he kill her mother, he’s also a psychotic Heretic — a vampire-witch hybrid — who’s had over 10 years to plan out how to take bloody retribution.

“I love that Uncle Kai’s getting to spend time with his niece who he tried to kill,” Chris Wood told TV Guide. “I think he comes to discover a certain amount of respect for her. Because as fans of Legacies have seen, she’s pretty quick, and she’s a tough one to sort of bamboozle, and despite all Kai’s tricks, she keeps up with him. I think at first, he thinks she’s an idiot and that he’s just going to get bored with her. But, Kai also thinks everyone’s an idiot except for him. I think what’s so great about his relationship with his niece is that we sort of see a little bit of pride in Uncle Kai — but it’s also sinister because he still wants to kill her. So it’s Kai Parker pride. It’s a very specific, serial killer pride.”

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Familial ties or not, Josie will have no illusions about how dangerous Kai was and potentially still is to her, which might just save her life if Kai turns out to be as diabolical as he was on The Vampire Diaries. But as Wood mentioned, Josie is one smart cookie, and Kai may have finally met his match in Josie Saltzman.

“She certainly is not just hiding under a bed,” Wood said. “He’s not dealing with a fetus or a toddler anymore, and I think he at first expects that he is, and then discovers quickly then she’s going to fight back and she’s going to use her brain to try to keep up with him and then ultimately try to outsmart him.”

That’s our Jo! Only time will tell though whether Josie has the smarts — and the magical skills — to outdo her evil uncle.

Legacies airs Thursdays at 9/8c on The CW.

PHOTOS: Kai Parker Returns in Legacies Season 2 Episode 12 Photos

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