Learning Automated Trading Can Give You a Major Investing Advantage

Technology has changed everything, including the way people invest. There is always risk inherent in investing but fin-tech like quantitative and algorithmic trading can make life a little easier on investors who have the technical expertise to get a competitive advantage. Whether you’re a regular investor or interested in starting out, you owe it to yourself to learn some of the fin-tech that’s changing the industry, and QuantInsti®: Quantitative Trading for Beginners Bundle can help.

In this seven-course bundle, you’ll get a comprehensive fin-tech education. You’ll start with an introduction to algorithmic trading, that is, programming a computer to take certain trading actions in response to market data. From there, you’ll learn how to use machine learning tools like Python to automate your trading to limit your losses and maximize your gains. You’ll even get access to an Interactive brokers platform to practice automating your trading and learn momentum trading skills for forex markets. By the end of the training, you’ll be fully ready to trade on your own or ace a quant Interview to work for someone else.

Start investing like a modern genius. Sold separately, the courses of QuantInsti®: Quantitative Trading for Beginners Bundle would go for over $500, but you can get them all for just $49 today.

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This article originally appeared on entrepreneur.com

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