Krishi Mela held in Perla

A one-day Krishi Mela was held on the premises of Nalanda College of Arts and Science at Perla on Saturday.

The Mela was organised by the College in collaboration with Campco and Perla Service Cooperative Bank.

A large number of farmers visited the Mela, which was inaugurated by Campco President S R Sathichandra.

In his address, he said, “Farmers have been contributing to the development of the country for the last several decades. Agriculture is the backbone of the country. It is essential that both co-operative and educational institutions join together to promote farming activities.’’

Knowledge revolution or sharing of knowledge will help in the development of agricultural field, he added.

Dr Prabhakara Bhat, president, Vivekananda Vidyavardaka Sangha-Puttur, said that simple and modern technologies should be utilised in agriculture sector to get better yield. People should involve themselves in the farming activities.

More than 100 stalls of entrepreneurs in agricultural field and other fields exhibited their products and machinery in the mela.

Seminars on the  cultivation of arecanut, cocoa and vegetable, organic farming etc., were conducted during the mela.

Scientists from CPCRI, entrepreneurs, progressive farmers, students participated in the seminar.

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