Kennected Creates Leads & Sales Via LinkedIn Automation For Users

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Online lead generation platform Kennected is delighted to share news regarding a user’s recent success in their field. The customer of Kennected is a commercial roofer in the Dallas–Fort Worth area. As roofers, much of their success hinges on their ability to connect with customers as well as other professionals in their field. The roofing company owner was delighted with the success they have had after only one month of using Kennected to generate leads on LinkedIn.

Emailing the Kennected team to relay their news, the user stated that, “I just wanted to let the team know that we landed our largest commercial roofing job ever. This software truly is amazing, and I’m thrilled to see how much we can grow.” This sentiment is often shared by Kennected’s other users, who rely on the platform’s features to free up resources that would otherwise have been spent on mundane tasks. The ultimate benefit of this, according to the company, is that users can then refocus their efforts on building relationships with ‘prospects,’ other entities such as customers and peers who can help the company grow.

“Kennected works with LinkedIn Basic & Sales Navigator to simplify and automate your lead generation efforts,” states the company. “Reach out to possible connections with ease and follow up automatically on a case by case basis as if you were conversing with them manually.” As a comprehensive LinkedIn automation platform, Kennected places a suite of tools at the user’s disposal that they can tune to optimize their company’s online presence and efficacy.

They continue, “Kennected’s integration with FindThatLead,, Anymail Finder and more, makes it easy to find emails right inside the Linkedin interface, which allows you to push data directly to your Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Our Hubspot integration gives you an option to push a prospect’s details, including all the related conversations, to Hubspot. You can even push details by default as soon as the prospect accepts your invitation to connect.”

The company strongly believes that ‘cold’ calls and other forms of sales prospecting that were used in the past (and are still used to this day) are swiftly going out of date, losing the efficiency they once boasted.

Instead, today’s digital world lives and breathes on various social platforms, and Kennected counts on LinkedIn’s status as a professional social networking platform to bring its users in contact with other entities that can help them further their businesses. They explain, “As cold outreach becomes less effective, many sales teams are turning their attention to social selling on LinkedIn and other social platforms as a warmer approach that offers more flexibility and functionality like visiting profiles and sending messages and invites to connect. Plus, you get to engage prospects where their attention is, which opens more sales opportunities.”

As such, more and more businesses are becoming aware of the fact that traditional forms of outreach are no longer viable if they want to maintain their growth. However, it takes a great deal of effort to manually visit profiles, identify prospective connections, send requests, and then follow up from there on a small scale basis. These efforts verge on the impossible, should the business have to juggle many leads at once. While they could simply increase their manpower in response, Kenected’s solution allows them to make many connections in a short period and then decide which ones merit a human touch-based on conclusive feedback.

Kennected notes, however, “Many people believe such automation is spammy and ineffective. The key to using LinkedIn automation is to be genuine and honest, and not engaging in activities that you wouldn’t want to be done unto you. The key is to automate what is scalable and to leave the human touch, to humans.”

The company recommends that users visit their website to read a full breakdown of every advantage their platform has to offer. Learn more here: What Is LinkedIn Automation?


For more information about Kennected, contact the company here:

Devin Johnson

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