Jared Padalecki’s Walker, Texas Ranger Recruits The 100 Star Lindsey Morgan

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The CW already had our viewing commitment in the bag when the network announced it was ordering Jared Padalecki‘s take on Walker, Texas Ranger to series, but apparently that wasn’t enough. To ensure that our eyes will be glued to the screen when the series premieres, they’ve added The 100 star Lindsey Morgan into the mix.

TV Guide has confirmed Morgan will play Walker’s new partner, Micki, who was born and raised in San Antonio. She’s a Texas-born-and-bred police officer with military experience and is tired of taking crap just because she’s a woman. Sounds like just the right fit for Walker, right?

Padalecki is stepping into the eponymous role made famous by Chuck Norris in the ’90s. The reboot series will take the character back to Austin after a two-year undercover stint following the death of his wife. The no-nonsense lawman will attempt to reconnect with his estranged children and rebuild family bridges, while also digging into the increasingly suspicious circumstances surrounding his wife’s death.

Everything We Know About Jared Padalecki’s Walker, Texas Ranger Reboot

As for Morgan, she’ll step into the role as she wraps up work on the final season of The 100. She joined that show’s cast in Season 1 as Raven Reyes and quickly became a fan-favorite character in the post-apocalyptic dystopia. She’s also stepped up behind the scenes to direct an episode in The 100‘s seventh and final season, premiering later this spring.

Variety was the first to report the casting news.

Walker, Texas Ranger will air on The CW in the 2020-21 TV season.

Additional reporting by Lindsay MacDonald

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