Question: Container security and Kubernetes are buzzing right now. What’s a common-sense approach to getting started?
Michelle McLean, vice president of marketing at StackRox: Businesses are hearing a lot about containers and Kubernetes these days and for good reason: Developing in this stack can accelerate the digital transformation goals companies have set for themselves. If you can build apps faster, you can iterate and improve on the experience your customers have with your brand.
The challenge is that everyone is on a learning curve when it comes to using these technologies. Business leaders need to understand the business advantages, and technical leaders need to invest in educating their staff.
To get folks on the learning curve, businesses need to pick a small but important application either existing or about to be developed and make the investment to build or refactor this application using containers and microservices. Doing is the best way to learn, and technical staff will appreciate the opportunity to learn next-gen technology.
The business needs to give that technical staff coming up to speed enough time to learn the new technology but also keep the pressure on to deliver. The industry has created plenty of best practices guides, and companies can adopt services like managed Kubernetes offerings from cloud providers to lower the barrier to entry. Most importantly, companies need to make the investment in learning how to secure this new technology stack. Moving fast but without proper security controls will undo any business advantage in adopting the new technology.
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