Here’s How to Turn Off Autoplay While Browsing Netflix

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If you’ve browsed Netflix recently, then you know that occasionally Netflix loves to scream at you when you move around the menu and settle on a show for a second. The streamer implemented an autoplay feature a few years back that automatically plays the trailer for a show that you’ve highlighted, purposefully, accidentally, or just on the way to check out something else, and to put it frankly, it’s annoying.

Netflix has finally heard the protests and announced that the autoplay feature can now be shut off. Phew. We may now browse Netflix’s UI, which is still the best in the business, in relative peace.

If that sounds appealing to you — and we wager it does — here’s how to do it. To disable the feature, log in to Netflix through a web browser (not your phone, not a smart TV app) and hit the “manage profiles” button when you select a profile. Select the profile you want to disable the feature on, and uncheck the box that reads “Autoplay previews while browsing on all devices.” It might take a few minutes to take effect.

You might also notice there’s another box to uncheck. Netflix has also enabled the option to turn off the feature that autoplays the next episode while bingeing a season of TV. Simply uncheck the box to turn it off. Now you won’t get stuck watching five hours of TV! Personally, I like the cheap thrill of clicking a button to commit to another episode as it gives me a sense of power.

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