Hawkeye on Disney+: Spoilers, Premiere Date, Casting, and More

Although Avengers: Endgame concluded the series of Marvel films that has now been dubbed the Infinity Saga, the Marvel Cinematic Universe goes on. In addition to a number of films currently in the works as part of Phase Four, some of your favorite Avengers will also be venturing to the small screen for limited series on Disney+, Disney’s streaming service, which launched late last year.

One of those series is Hawkeye, which finds Jeremy Renner reprising his role as Clint Barton. As is the case with everything Marvel related, details surrounding the series are still pretty scarce, but here’s everything we know so far.

Everything We Know about the MCU Phase Four Shows Heading to Disney+

It’s coming in fall 2021. Hawkeye is the last of four planned live-action series set for Phase Four of the MCU that will also feature characters we already know from the films (three additional series — Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, and Moon Knight — are also in the works and will debut after Hawkeye).

The first series to debut will be The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (August 2020) and WandaVision (December 2020). They will then be followed by Loki (spring 2021). In between Loki and Hawkeye, during the summer of 2021, Disney+ is planning to release the animated series What If…?, which finds many MCU actors, including Renner, returning to voice their characters.

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It will finally introduce fans to Kate Bishop. The character’s appearance was teased during Marvel’s panel at San Diego Comic-Con, and she will take over the Hawkeye title after Clint retires — remember, he was Ronin in Avengers: Endgame following the Snap, and all signs point to him going back to his quiet life now that his family has returned. Kate is the first woman to take on the Hawkeye name, and while we have no idea what her future will be in the MCU, hopefully she sticks around for a while. Renner’s character was introduced in Thor, so let’s hope Kate enjoys the same kind of longevity.

Hailee Steinfeld has been rumored as Kate Bishop. Variety reported in September that the Dickinson actress had been offered the role of Kate, though Marvel did not confirm. In November, Steinfeld cast doubt on reports of her casting, telling Radio Times, “That’s not something that’s necessarily happening. We’re going to wait and find out, I guess.”

A Mad Men writer is taking the helm. Former Mad Men writer Jonathan Igla is going to write the Hawkeye series, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Igla, who was also a writer on the short-lived Fox drama Pitch, will also executive produce the Jeremy Renner outing.

We’ve already seen the opening credits. Renner posted the opening credits of the series — or at least some early stages conceptual art — on his Instagram account shortly after it debuted in Hall H at SDCC. And it looks super cool.

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(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of ViacomCBS.)

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