RHINECLIFF, N.Y. — The film, “Dreaming of a Vetter World,” will be shown Wednesday, Jan. 15, at Morton Memorial Library, 82 Kelly St.
Directed by Bonnie Hawthorne, the film will begin at 6:30 p.m. The screening, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by Backyard to Table.
In 1953, Nebraska farmer Donald Vetter quit spraying chemicals on his crops in order to farm in harmony with nature, according to a press release. His farmer neighbors questioned his sanity. Then, when his son David came back to the farm from seminary with a mission to “minister to the soil,” bets were made on how long they would last. Today, they are considered regenerative organic pioneers.
The film shows it is “possible to jump off conventional agriculture’s pesticide treadmill and to build soil by farming organically,” the release said.