Cimetrics announces start of Secured by Cimetrics Early Access Program

February 3, 2021 - Cimetrics announced the start of the Secured by Cimetrics Early Access Program (SbC-EA) designed to deploy BACnet/SC and the Secured by Cimetrics (SbC) security management framework to the building automation industry.

The Secured by Cimetrics cybersecurity management framework, now included as part of Cimetrics’ range of BACnet stack products, is designed to supplement the released BACnet/SC standard to provide building automation systems a holistic, device-to-cloud technology stack.

Secured by Cimetrics will enable BAS vendors to bring to market products that conform to the security needs of IT and security organizations.

Cimetrics’ existing customer base for its BACnet stack product lines, representing 60% of vendors in the industry, will gain access to Secured by Cimetrics once it is released in late 2020. Companies using their own, or third party stacks will be able to participate in the Early Access program to be part of the consensus-building process so that their systems are compatible with the resulting specifications, and with Secured by Cimetrics.

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