Chinese electric mobility working to eradicate the coronavirus

The coronavirus has killed more than 1,000 people with a devastating international economic impact. After closing factories, Xpeng Motors, NIO, and eHang have resumed work on Monday. We asked Xpeng Motors to tell us what they are doing to ensure the health and safety of their staff and customers.

Xpeng Motors tackles the coronavirus in China

Xpeng says “it is critically important to avoid incidents spreading the virus in the office. Health and safety are our top priorities.” It is encouraging its staff to work remotely unless it has to work from their office. Stringent protection measures are in place — strict 7-day self-quarantine policy when traveling from a different city; 14-day quarantine from a highly infected area.

Frontline workers and those in offices protect themselves with masks and disinfection materials. Everyone must complete a series of detailed coronavirus protection online courses on a mandatory basis.

Meetings are online when possible. The staff avoids gatherings, taking stairs instead of elevators, eating from a lunch box, and avoiding cafeterias. They are avoiding public transportation. Work stations and desks are disinfected regularly and the company upgraded its ventilation. There is a 24-hour health inquiry hotline and to help purchase relevant insurance coverage.

74 Xpeng nationwide shops were able to resume business as of Feb 10th. They have implemented stringent health and hygiene protection measures.

Xpeng offers coronavirus relief

The company is offering its customers free charging at their Xpeng supercharging stations and charging stations from Feb 9th to March 8th. It launched electric G3 SUV rental services in Guangzhou at RMB900/week (roughly $130 a week).

A new online virtual reality (VR) car shows its products without physically visiting the stores.

Xpeng is donating RMB 3 million to hospitals, individuals in Wuhan, and other areas. RMB 1 million went to specific hospitals and health institutions in Wuhan. RMB500,000 went to medical equipment and materials – biohazard suits, goggles, and masks. So far, 600,000 surgical masks have been delivered.

RMB 1.5 million worth of G3 vehicles were donated to hospitals in Wuhan, as well as providing free ride-hailing services for specific hospitals assigned to treat the disease.

NIO, eHang, Hyundai, and the NBAA affected by the coronavirus

NIO also stopped working after the company recently showed better-than-expected sales. Electric vertical takeoff & landing (eVTOL) pioneer, eHang is about to go back to work. Hyundai halted output, according to Reuters. Lee Hang-koo, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade said: “Hyundai and Kia may be more affected as they tend to import more parts from China than other global automakers,”

Sadly, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is canceling this year’s Asian Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (ABACE). ABACE 2020 will not happen in Shanghai from April 16-18. The Beijing Auto Show scheduled between April 21 to 30th and is currently waiting to see how the virus will be contained by then.

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Now that the Coronavirus is under control, most electric mobility Chinee companies are going back to work. Staff and employees take stringent measures to curb its impact.

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