With many automotive OEMs and suppliers rapidly developing Electric Vehicle driveline technology, there are many unanswered questions. How will new powertrain electrification technologies perform as they age? What are the most cost-effective strategies for optimizing each system? And how can further improvements be made through integration of systems and more effective management of their interfaces?
The automotive industry has a wealth of experience that provides these insights for conventional powertrains. For electrified powertrains however, much of this roadmap is new. And for test engineers, it isn’t just new techniques that are required: it is an understanding of the design challenges, the component interactions and the subtly different drive cycles of these next generation vehicles. Test technologies must evolve at the same breakneck pace as the new EV powertrain technologies, and they must be adaptable to unique, continuously developing requirements.

Intertek is experienced in working with the latest cutting-edge EV technologies, and this white paper, “Development of Driveline Electrification Technologies”, can help automotive engineers navigate this new space.