APW Happy Hour | A Practical Wedding

Hey APW,

This week has been an amazing, busy whirlwind. I’m writing this poolside from Palm Springs (well, Palm Desert, we’re making forays into Palm Springs), where David was presenting at a conference for school educators. He co-presented on the legal rights of kids around gender and schools. And because I process information by making visual things, I put all my notes into a little presentation on Instagram, which you can check out here.

But beyond that, we were able to do the important things: check out of being full-time parents for a second, have a few meals and drinks, and just chill. Oh, and I shopped. Above you can see me in the process of doing some real damage at The Frippery. That, and catch up on work side-by-side, which is 100% what we are doing this second. Fifteen years after getting together, that’s just as important as it ever was.

But before I hopped on a flight, we also managed to have an incredibly packed week at work… in just two days. We brought our new Social Media Associate Shoshana up to Oakland for intensive training. We hired Hannah Chester to build us an enormous social media strategy and spent eight glorious, overwhelming hours drilling into it. (For those of you looking to hire someone to help you with social media strategy and growth, I can’t recommend Hannah more. Add to that a sold-out launch of our new business incubator, and me getting written up around Jewish activism in Bustle and we had a banner week. (We also had an amazing book launch party for the #APWbook at the end of last week, more photos of that coming soon.)

Now off for a well-deserved cocktail.

Shabbat Shalom,

Today’s Happy Hour is brought to you by our favorites over at Ours. If somehow you’ve missed our rave reviews of these ladies and the genius educational platform they’re building, pop over here to read more, and here to get some answers to some seriously good questions that our readers asked. And if this is all news to you, just know, Ours is the premier education and skill-building platform that will inspire you and your partner to level up your relationship in so many ways. They are redefining the ‘we need to talk’ moments of life by coaching us through banking together, budgeting, goal setting, and so much more. Plus, the ladies who founded it are divorce attorneys so, we should trust them.

Pop over to their classes page today, time is limited to snag a spot in their inaugural course for a sweet deal! Click here!

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