4 Virtual Reality Trends to Look Out for in 2020

Pokemon Go and Oculus Rift began the innovation that is virtual reality and augmented reality. Further advancements in technology this year will act as a springboard for the following 2020 trends:


Education will be making a leap towards virtual reality and augmented reality this year. Virtual reality training is naturally immersive and as such can bring improved learning.

In businesses, VR can enhance human performance without having to spend thousands on real-world simulations. Students with AR and VR glasses can travel the world, for instance and get to explore the environment without actually being there.

5G Support

How can AR and VR speed up and offer greater detail? The answer is in super networks from 5G services. The potential of transfer speeds of 3 gigs per second allow VR and AR content to be streamed via cloud. This frees up the wires and disconnects the headsets that were once restricted to PCs.

VR is being tested by social media and entertainment services. With 5G, the experience is improved due to faster bandwidth and low power requirements.


VR and AR adoption in healthcare will become much larger. Some of the clinical trials in 2019 will be making its way to general use soon. VR has already played a hand in therapy to try and ease the patients with their anxiety disorders and phobias.

These kinds of technologies can also encourage those with autism develop their communication and social skills and diagnose cognitive and visual impairments via eye-tracking systems.

Industrial Applications

People often get their first experience with VR and AR on games, but this will shift in 2020. Enterprise solutions and technological implementations allow businesses and industries to finally harness XR, or extended reality for marketing and engagement purposes.

Graphics, frame rate and adoption will only get better as faster processors, graphics cards and bandwidth become available.

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