Let’s face it, we need some uplifting The Good Doctor content after that devastating Season 3 finale, not to mention the fact that we’re not 100 percent sure when the show will return due to the COVID-19 pandemic production shutdown. It could be winter before we find out how Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore) and the other residents are dealing with the death of one of their mentors.
Well, good news is here in the form of a sneak peak at the Season 3 blooper reel, which is a bonus feature on the Season 3 DVD set being released by Sony Pictures Television on Tuesday, Aug. 4. While there are occasional light moments in the drama, The Good Doctor is more known for its heartfelt dramatic scenes, so it’s nice to see that the cast finds plenty of time to crack up between takes. When we see surgeries on the show, they are intense, serious affairs, but it looks like things get really messy in The Good Doctor OR, and the cast wastes no opportunity to make it weird.
So take a moment to have a laugh with the docs of St. Bonaventure. The DVD set is available Aug. 4 and includes the full blooper reel and deleted scenes from the season.
The Good Doctor" width="400" height="267" title="Jasika Nicole and Freddie Highmore, The Good Doctor" data-amp-src="https://tvguide1.cbsistatic.com/i/r/2020/07/31/dd9f9da0-2c98-4d5e-8747-3c5c22152f53/resize/400x267/f0af2c95853b1c8eab5b32f6ca55cabd/200731-good-doctor-jasika-nicole-freddie-highmore.jpg" data-lazy-src="http://image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=%3D&is-pending-load=1" srcset="data:image/gif;base64, https://ten15am.org/watch-the-good-doctor-cast-crack-up-in-this-season-3-blooper-reel-sneak-peek/R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7">Jasika Nicole and Freddie Highmore, The Good Doctor