The Peacock, A Hand Crafted Luxury JukeBox Exclusively For Harrods

The Peacock, A Hand Crafted Luxury JukeBox Exclusively for Harrods

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Harrods has a new British-made product and this one ‘sounds’ amazing. The Peacock Jukebox was created by UK manufacturer, Sound Leisure and features intricate bird figures and images reminiscent of elements in the food halls.

In response to the rising popularity of vinyl and love of classic design amongst their clientele, Harrods customers can now own the ultimate souvenir, an exclusively designed vinyl-playing jukebox. Brand new and entirely bespoke to the luxury brand, it features the famous bird images within the cabinet and is hand-made right here in the UK.

The Peacock Jukebox has intricate bird figures and images reminiscent of elements in the food halls.

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The spectacular detailing on the Peacock Jukebox.

Produced by Yorkshire-based Sound Leisure, which has specialised in manufacturing bespoke classic jukeboxes for over 40 years, each jukebox is hand-built by master craftsmen and women using traditional methods.

Manufactured from high-quality wood, each ply formed cabinet is hand polished and adorned with brushed gold effect aluminium decorative castings, LED illumination ensures that the colour of the lighting can be adjusted to suit any location.

The jukebox which retails at £14,500, holds 70 vinyl singles and can be supplied to work on any voltage. A Bluetooth receiver and microphone input come as standard, and the juke can be linked to smart technologies.

External matching speakers can be connected and controlled independently from the jukebox, and it can even have a coin mechanism installed. The machine is set to free play as standard.

Named ‘The Peacock’, only 50 of this jukebox design will be put into production, making it a real collector’s item. Early Sound Leisure machines are often sold for more than they were originally purchased for, and this limited-edition vinyl jukebox has the provenance to follow suit. The jukebox is now available from the AV department in Harrods.

Sales of vinyl-playing jukeboxes from Sound Leisure have been booming over the past three years.

The Sound Leisure Peacock Jukebox is made exclusively for Harrods

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The Sound Leisure Peacock Jukebox is made exclusively for Harrods.

Managing director Chris Black comments: “We have supplied jukeboxes to Harrods for over three decades and as a proud British manufacturer we are honoured to have our latest jukebox on display and available exclusively through them.

The Peacock jukebox is hand-built to the highest standards, will last a lifetime and beyond and looks stunning. It will definitely be the focal point in any location.”

Established in 1978, Sound Leisure is a family-run business which manufactures and ships its bespoke products globally to some of the world’s most prestigious locations. The business is currently the only manufacturer of seven inch and Long-Playing vinyl jukeboxes and one of only two classic jukebox producers in the world. Customers include royalty, sports, film and TV stars, and there is a Sound Leisure jukebox free to use in London St Pancras station.

Head of commercial for NuConnect, who support Harrods technology department, Robbie Atherston added: “We support brands that push the boundaries of style, design and technology and the team at Sound Leisure continue to manufacture quality machines that our customers appreciate. We are delighted to be offering this unique jukebox exclusively.”

The Harrods Peacock is available for viewing in the Technology department, Fifth Floor, Harrods, Knightsbridge, London. For more information, visit the Sound Leisure websites here.

Full specification of ‘The Peacock’ jukebox:

  • Price: £14,500
  • Hand-built in the UK
  • Wood formed a cabinet with brushed gold effect aluminium decorative castings and speaker grille.
  • 70 x 7” singles capacity (140 selections)
  • Bluetooth receiver kit
  • 4 x 60-watt stereo amplifier (set to 2 x stereo channels) Bass, Treble and Mid control. Aux ‘out.’
  • ‘Aux’ input for external devices
  • Microphone input
  • Full remote control operation for song selection, volume, shuffle mode, mute, auxiliary device switching.
  • LED light sequencing
  • Fully operational coin mechanism, available for most international currencies. (optional extra)
  • Any voltage catered for


  • Height: 1550mm
  • Width: 850mm
  • Depth: 700mm
  • Weight: 130KG

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