The Bold Type’s Meghann Fahy Reacts to That Surprising Proposal

[Warning: The following contains spoilers from Thursday’s episode of The Bold Type. Read at your own risk!]

Bust out the rosé, a wedding is on the way! Richard (Sam Page) surprised us all by getting down on one knee on The Bold Type, and thanks heaven, Sutton (Meghann Fahy) accepted!

As they geared up for Richard’s big move, Sutton started to feel like they were already growing apart (especially physically), but it turns out, that distance was all because Richard was so preoccupied with getting the proposal right. Even though he’ll soon be all the way across the continent, it’s nice to know that Suttard has an official tie to keep them together through this long-distance trial period.

TV Guide caught up with Meghann Fahy to talk about the engagement, and she admitted that she wasn’t too surprised when she found out Richard and Sutton were taking the plunge.

“I was sort of surprised,” Fahy told TV Guide. “There had been whispers about maybe doing that in a previous season, and then it never ended up happening, and then I kind of forgot about it. And then when they said that we were doing it in Season 4… I was like — I was thrilled! It’s so much fun to see two characters like that who have been through so much but have also sort of been together since the beginning of the show, finally take that step towards something a little bit more serious.”

Unfortunately for us (and maybe for them), a ring doesn’t always mean a couple will make it down the aisle, and Sutton and Richard have one big hurdle left ahead of them before they can say, “I do.”

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“They’ve chosen each other, so I think for them the long-distance thing is more temporary,” said Fahy. “And obviously it’s really important for Sutton to support Richard and his journey to kind of follow his passion because he’s been so supportive of her and her passions since they’ve been together. So I think that they’ve kind of got to bite the bullet… I think it’s a little bit harder [now that they’re engaged] because they’re going to have to deal with planning a wedding apart from one another, which is really challenging, especially with the time difference and him being on the west coast and her being in New York. It’s definitely tricky for them to connect. So I think they both really feel that distance, and it’s a bummer for both of them.”

As far as planning the wedding goes, at least Sutton has her two very best friends, Jane (Katie Stevens), and Kat (Aisha Dee) to help her get through the logistics. With Jane’s attention to detail and love of projects and Kat’s excellent taste and positive attitude, planning this wedding will be a snap! Let’s just hope Sutton and Richard are on the same page about what kind of wedding they want.

Sutton seems more like a small, quaint ceremony kind of girl, and Richard, for all that we love him, seems like he might want something big and flashy. A difference of opinion here could cause a clash between the happy couple, but Fahy’s not too worried. Case in point? Richard’s private and perfect proposal.

“I think she wants something really intimate, and I think that’s why the engagement is the way that it is,” Fahy said. “Richard knows Sutton so well, and I think he knows that she likes things to just be small and no frills really, so I think it’ll probably be just an intimate ceremony with their friends. But we’ll see!”

The Bold Type Season 4 premieres Thursday, Jan. 23 at 9/8c on Freeform.

The Bold Type" width="2070" height="1380" title="Meghann Fahy and Sam Page, The Bold Type" data-amp-src="" data-lazy-src="http://image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=%3D&is-pending-load=1" srcset="data:image/gif;base64,">Meghann Fahy and Sam Page, The Bold Type

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