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The CW’s spin-off game has gotten strong over the years thanks to the multitude of shows Arrow and The Vampire Diaries have launched, and now even The 100 is getting in on the action. Season 7 will be the show’s last, but there is a potential prequel series in the works.
The CW announced its plans to start developing a spin-off of The 100 in October of 2019, and though details are few and far between at this point, we’re eager for any scrap of information about this potential new series. Here’s everything we know so far about this fledgling show!
It is a prequel series. This series would be set 97 years before the events of The 100 pilot, occurring during the time period when a nuclear apocalypse wiped out a huge chunk of the planet’s population. It will depict the birth of the culture The 100 fans know as the Grounders, as survivors of the apocalypse band together in an attempt to create a new society.
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There will be a backdoor pilot in The 100 Season 7. Like The Vampire Diariesand Arrow, The 100 will attempt to launch its first spin-off with a backdoor pilot episode. We don’t yet know which episode of Season 7 will serve as the backdoor pilot, but it will hopefully give us more answers about how the world of The 100 came to be.
The spin-off episode now has a title. TVLine reports that the title for the backdoor pilot is “Anaconda,” though it’s unclear if this will be the eventual title of the spin-off itself.
The 100 will return for its final season in 2020 on The CW.
The 100" width="2070" height="1380" title="Eliza Taylor, The 100" data-amp-src="" data-lazy-src="http://image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=%3D&is-pending-load=1" srcset="data:image/gif;base64,">Eliza Taylor, The 100