The 100 Prequel Spin-Off: Episode Title, Spoilers, Air Date, and More

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“Spin-off” seems to be the watchword at The CW with new shows seemingly being created every day thanks to the ever-expanding universes of Arrow and The Vampire Diaries, but this time the spin-off in question comes from our beloved sci-fi show, The 100. The upcoming seventh season will be the show’s last, but thankfully, a potential prequel series is currently in the works that could keep this world alive!

The CW announced its plans to start developing a spin-off of The 100 in October of 2019, and details are still few and far between at this point. TV Guide has been eagerly compiling any and all scraps of information about this potential new series though, so here’s everything we know so far about this fledgling show!

It is a prequel series. This potential spin-off would be set 97 years before the events of The 100 pilot, occurring during the time period when a nuclear apocalypse wiped out a huge chunk of the planet’s population. It will depict the birth of the culture The 100 fans know as the Grounders, as survivors of the apocalypse band together in an attempt to create a new society.

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There will be a backdoor pilot in The 100 Season 7. Like so many other CW showsbefore it, The 100 will attempt to launch its first spin-off with a backdoor pilot episode. We don’t yet know which episode of Season 7 will serve as the backdoor pilot, but we do know it will fall in the back half of the season.

It’s currently filming in Vancouver. Rothenberg shared the news that the backdoor pilot is currently in production in Vancouver on Feb. 10, tweeting, “Two more days on The 100 Prequel (not called Anaconda, by the way). So proud of this amazing crew. So excited for you to meet this new cast.”

The backdoor pilot episode now has a title. TVLine reported that the title for the backdoor pilot is “Anaconda,” but we now know that won’t be the title of the actual spin-off. Jason Rothenberg clarified the news on Twitter, saying, “The S7 episode title of the prequel is ANACONDA. The title of the new (potential) series has not been released yet.”

The 100 will return for its final season in 2020 on The CW.

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