Staggered to Perfection - Oxygen Magazine

If you’re like many who work out for fitness and health reasons, you favor training some bodyparts over others, especially when you haven’t much time to spare. So often, many of the smaller body-parts — calves or abs, anyone? — simply do not get the resistance they require to develop in balance, proportion and strength to the rest of your body.

If that’s the case with you on occasion, the answer to the dilemma may be staggered sets. A training technique rooted in the late ’40s and early ’50s, staggered sets represent a time-efficient method for training a major muscle group and lesser unrelated group or groups in the same workout.

In the simplest form of a staggered set, you might train chest and forearms, or front thighs and biceps. For the thigh-bi workout, you would do a set of squats followed immediately with a set of dumbbell curls. You’d rest and then repeat the double sequence two more times. Your next staggered set would consist of a different thigh-biceps exercise grouping (e.g., leg extensions and cable curls), which would be cycled three times. You would continue in this manner until you’d completed four or five staggered sets of exercise pairs.

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