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New episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow need to come ASAP so we can get to the bottom of the insane developments from that truly wild season finale. As you’ll recall, the gang jumped to a future in which the Fates still controlled society, forcing our madcap heroes to turn to the Museum of Bad Ideas — which included a whole exhibit dedicated to Sisqo‘s chart-topping single “Thong Song”— for a way to defeat the powerful goddesses. A bizarre battle ensued and the Legends squared off against reanimated Encores like Courtney Ford‘s Marie Antoinette while Sisqo showed off his eloquent vocals and smooth dance moves in the background.
Although our favorite misfits defeated the Fates in the end —with help from Charlie (Maisie Richardson-Sellers)— they were faced with an entirely new problem: Sara’s (Caity Lotz) abduction. The final moments of Season 5 featured Sara being swept up by a sea of blue lights as the crew made their way back to the Waverider. We don’t yet know why she’s been kidnapped that will need to be addressed when the series returns with new episodes. With Season 6 on the horizon, here’s everything we know so far about the forthcoming season.
DC Legends of Tomorrow " width="2070" height="1380" title="Caity Lotz, Matt Ryan, Olivia Swan, Dominic Purcell and Nick Zano, DC Legends of Tomorrow" data-amp-src="" data-lazy-src="http://image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=%3D&is-pending-load=1" srcset="data:image/gif;base64,">Caity Lotz, Matt Ryan, Olivia Swan, Dominic Purcell and Nick Zano, DC Legends of Tomorrow
Not everyone is returning for Season 6. Maisie Richardson-Sellers, who played both Amaya and Charlie throughout the series, confirmed via Twitter that she will not be back next season. “Thank you for your endless love and support. Amaya and Charlie have brought me so much joy these past 4 years, and you are THE MOST kind, generous, inclusive fan base a show could hope for. Never change. I can’t wait to share the projects I’m currently creating. Love you all,” she wrote in a heartfelt tweet.
Expect to see plenty more Behrad and Astra next season. According to TVLine, Shayan Sobhian has been promoted to series regular along with Oliva Swann, who plays Astra.
The gang will tackle aliens. During DC Fandome: Explore the Multiverse, Warner Bros. revealed that next season, the Legends will be tackling space aliens who’ve been displaced throughout history. “After Sara is abducted by a ruthless alien, this new mission becomes personal. It will take more than the combined powers of the Legends to save the world for a sixth time,” the official description read. “They must recruit a new Legend: Spooner Cruz, a woman uniquely qualified to help the team defeat their intergalactic foes. Either that or she’s just crazy…”
Showrunner Phil Klemmer previously confirmed to TV Guide that Sara has been taken by space aliens, which will set the tone for an intergalactic season aboard the Waverider. “She’s in for a gnarly ride, but more importantly, the Legends are in for a gnarly ride because they have really grown to rely on her — especially Ava. It’s going to be, as always, a mashup of some very silly, goofy genres and some hopefully powerful, personal, emotional stories next season,” Klemmer explained.
Chicago P.D.’s Lisseth Chavez is joining the series full-time. She is set to play Spooner Cruz, who is described as “tough and self-sufficient” and “lives off the grid, devising ingenious tech for the detection of — and defense against — space aliens.” After surviving a childhood encounter with aliens, she now believes she can “communicate telepathically with them making her the perfect recruit for Waverider captains Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe, along with the rest of the Legends.
Nate (Nick Zano) probably won’t be pursuing romance next season. It’s no secret that Nate has had the worst luck with love — Amaya and Zari, anyone? — and as a result, will be dialing down the romance in new Legends episodes. Who can blame him after his latest relationship with Zari (Tala Ashe) ended on a tragic note because she’s been forced to live her days inside a totem or run the risk of killing her brother with an alternate timeline in which he dies?
“I don’t know why we keep breaking Nate’s heart,” Klemmer said. “I guess there is something sadistic about taking a handsome fellow like Nick Zano and just making him the most unfortunate fool. I think he maybe will have learned his lesson [next season]… I think he’s probably just given up [on romantic relationships]. He needs to pursue some platonic relationships.”
Constantine (Matt Ryan) and Zari (Tala Ashe), on the other hand, will be a full-on couple. Their romance was pretty much confirmed after they slept together and remained super cozy aboard the Waverider. While their sizzling chemistry makes them a dynamic duo, Klemmer admitted that writing for the pair, who are polar opposites, has been a difficult process.
“It’s really hard to break stories because when you have them fight, who’s supposed to win? We talk ourselves into circles,” Klemmer added. “We as the writers are actually having a fight with them as our avatars, and everybody will choose their avatar and they’ll be like, ‘No, John looks weak. That can’t happen.’ It’s like, ‘No, Zari comes out looking weak.’ ‘Well, John’s not going to change.’ ‘Well, Zari’s not going to change.’ This goes on for hours and days and you’re like, ‘Oh my God, I feel like I’m in a relationship. I feel like I’m in a toxic relationship, but I can’t get out of it because it’s so alluring.’ We’re basically, as a [writers’] room, living their romance. It’s the best thing and it’s tearing us apart.”
There’s a new character in town. Lisseth Chavez will be joining Season 6 of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow as Esperanza “Spooner” Cruz, a new recruit for the Legends who believes she has the ability to telepathically communicate with aliens after surviving a childhood encounter with extra terrestrials. When we meet her, she’s been living off the grid, working to create technology that will detect and defend against space aliens.
Seasons 1-5 of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow are currently streaming on Netflix.
DC's Legends of Tomorrow" width="2070" height="1380" title="Shayan Sobhian, Matt Ryan, Tala Ashe and Nick Zano, DC's Legends of Tomorrow" data-amp-src="" data-lazy-src="http://image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=%3D&is-pending-load=1" srcset="data:image/gif;base64,">Shayan Sobhian, Matt Ryan, Tala Ashe and Nick Zano, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow