Week Two of the LCS is over, and after three days of competition, fans arrived at the second installment of Monday Night League. The two matches today were quite important for the standings as every game is crucial for the teams’ splits. Nearing Week Three, it’s even more interesting to see how the standings are unfolding in 2020!
FlyQuest vs Team Dignitas
Team Dignitas (“DIG”) has had a great first three games, but their attempt at two perfect weeks was sullied with a loss to FlyQuest (“FLY”). In fact, FLY looked spectacular, even after their rough defeat by Team Liquid. Santorin totally controlled the early game, as he ganked and killed Huni for First Blood before three minutes. Although Johnsun nabbed a kill on Ignar in the 2v2 and an early Ocean Dragon, DIG fell short in one team fight and never rebounded. This team fight was around the Rift Herald, where DIG secured the objective but FLY collapsed, engaged and killed three-for-zero.
It appeared easy for FLY to push their lead from this point. They caught out Grig when he was rotating in his jungle, which led to a Rift Herald for themselves and an Infernal Dragon later. DIG managed to get the First Tower bonus, but FLY knocked down the first mid tower with their Herald in response. During this play, they also decided to dive the tower, kill one DIG member, and destroy two more towers. In the next few minutes, there were some kill trades, but FLY always came out on top. Plus, FLY amassed a collection of dragons, which became an Infernal Soul at 28 minutes.
A brief ray of hope shone through for DIG though. At 29 minutes, FLY started up the Baron, but DIG responded. Santorin went out of the pit to fight, but with no one to Smite secure, Froggen jumped at Baron Nashor and stole it away from FLY! Unfortunately, DIG still lost two members in the play. The ray of hope dissipated as soon as FLY grouped up, however, as they began to siege the bottom lane. DIG tried to mount a desperate defense but lost three members doing so. As a result, FLY pushed on and made short work of DIG’s base, and ultimately, their Nexus.
- Time: 32:58
- Kills: 19-4
- Turrets: 10-3
- Gold: 59.8k-51.4k
- Dragons: 4-1
- Barons: 0-1
Team SoloMid vs Counter Logic Gaming
The second match of the day was a bit of redemption for Team SoloMid (“TSM”), who defeated a woefully underperforming Counter Logic Gaming (“CLG”) squad. With this loss, CLG put themselves at the very bottom of the standings, while TSM fixed some of their inactivity problems and looked decent. The early game was quiet, with the only deaths being an Infernal and Herald for CLG. After what felt like forever, First Blood finally happened when CLG dove and killed Broken Blade. This play also led to the First Tower bonus since CLG used the Herald for it.
But TSM quickly took ahold of the game. They first won a skirmish one-for-zero in the middle lane and slew two dragons. At 19 minutes they really ramped up as they focused Ruin and made it so he couldn’t play the game. TSM started by destroying his first top lane tower. Then, they dove him under his tier two, killing him before knocking down that tower too. It didn’t get better for him either, because when he went bottom, TSM followed him there and made the same play, killing him and taking the tower.
After winning a team fight two-for-zero at 23 minutes, TSM was in prime position to take the Baron. They did so three minutes later, though they did have to lose two members for it. But it didn’t matter much overall. TSM revived and regrouped, then headed over to the Ocean Dragon to kill it and claim the Ocean Soul. With the Baron buff and Ocean Soul, TSM easily blew over the bottom and mid lane Inhibitors. Here, they forced CLG to make one weak defense, which they plowed through. After killing three, TSM demolished the rest of CLG’s base and their Nexus.
- Time: 29:59
- Kills: 12-7
- Turrets: 10-3
- Gold: 54.9k-46.5k
- Dragons: 4-1
- Barons: 1-0
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Images via LoL Esports.
Featured image via LoL Esports Flickr.
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