If you’ve been waiting for Yellowstone Season 3 to hit streaming before catching up on Paramount’s hit drama, your time is coming soon. The Kevin Costner-led modern Western’s third season arrives on Peacock Nov. 22, the NBCU-owned streaming service announced. Season 3 will join the first two seasons in exclusively streaming on Peacock.
Yellowstone Season 3 was the most-watched series on cable this year, with 5.2 million viewers tuning in for the finale on the Paramount Network, which was up 82 percent from the Season 2 finale, according to Variety.
The series stars Kevin Costner as John Dutton, owner of the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch, the country’s largest contiguous ranch. He’s constantly beset by people trying to take the ranch from him and his family, who also have their own internal conflicts. In Season 3, real estate developers are trying to take the ranch and build an airport on the unspoiled land, which leads to legal and financial battles, as well as actual bloody ones.
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The series is co-created by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson. It will return for Season 4 in 2021.
Yellowstone Season 3 will start streaming on Peacock on Sunday, Nov. 22.
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