Iron your yellow chem suits and do the happy lab dance because El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie is here. Six years after Breaking Bad fans watched Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) speed away from the compound where he was imprisoned, Vince Gilligan presented the next chapter of the character’s story in El Camino. We’ve gathered everything we know about El Camino right here so you won’t have to build one of Hank Schrader’s (Dean Norris) evidence boards to piece it all together yourself.
Everything You Need to Remember About Breaking Bad Before El Camino
Here’s what we’ve learned about El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie so far.
It premiered in October. Netflix kept quiet about El Camino throughout its production process, so it was a shock when the streaming service revealed that not only had the film already been made, but it would premiere less than a year after we first heard about it. El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie debuted on Netflix on Friday, Oct. 11. El Camino also aired in select U.S. theaters Oct. 11-13.
On Sunday, Feb. 16 at 8/7c, the movie will air on AMC, the original home of Breaking Bad and current home of its spin-off, Better Call Saul.
Vince Gilligan wrote and directed the film. The Breaking Bad creator pitched the idea to Aaron Paul directly ahead of Breaking Bad‘s 10th anniversary. In addition to writing and directing El Camino, Gilligan produced alongside Mark Johnson, Melissa Bernstein, Charles Newirth, Diane Mercer, and Aaron Paul.
The movie is all about Jesse’s journey. El Camino picks up shortly after the events of Breaking Bad‘s finale, when Jesse Pinkman was shown speeding away in that eponymous car after Walt (Bryan Cranston) rescued him from the white supremacist compound. The first teaser trailer for the film indicates that the DEA will still be very interested in Pinkman’s whereabouts, even interviewing Skinny Pete (Charles Baker), who denies knowing anything beyond the horrifying mistreatment he endured while he was held captive by Todd (Jesse Plemons) and Jack (Michael Bowen).
5 Burning Questions the Breaking Bad Movie Needs to Answer
There are flashbacks aplenty. Netflix’s official logline for El Camino tells us that the film “follows fugitive Jesse Pinkman as he runs from his captors, the law, and his past.” When the movie was in production in New Mexico, what appeared to be Jesse and Walt’s RV was spotted on set, despite the fact that their RV was demolished long before Breaking Bad‘s finale, as was Mike Ehrmantraut’s (Jonathan Banks) car. Banks later confirmed that he was going to appear in the film, and, given his fate, it’s clear that the only way for that to happen is through some kind of flashback. Plus, Aaron Paul himself offered a teaser image of himself in what looks to be the former lab beneath the laundromat, before all the compound scars.
There are many cameos from Breaking Bad. In addition to Charles Baker, whose return was confirmed in the first teaser, Matt Jones reprised his role as Jesse’s pal Badger, as did Jonathan Banks as Mike. Meanwhile, Larry Hankin’s Old Joe was confirmed to return through another teaser, and Paul has indicated that there are tons more character reprisals still ahead which we won’t spoil here.
One of those cameos is probably someone you’re hoping to see. In an interview with Gilligan and Paul, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that more than 10 familiar faces from Breaking Bad will appear in El Camino — including one “key cast member” who had to travel to and from Albuquerque on a private jet to avoid being seen. Bryan Cranston, who seems like the obvious guess, has long played coy about the possibility of returning to the role of Walter White. After he and Paul teased a collaboration that turned out to be a liquor brand instead of an onscreen reunion, Paul answered upset fans with the cryptic note that “good things come to those who wait.” Cranston and other actors — including Jonathan Banks, Jesse Plemons, and Krysten Ritter — have been rumored to appear in the movie, but you’ll have to watch to find out. When asked about those specific potential cameos by The New York Times, Paul would only tease, “I think people will be really happy with what they see.”
There’s one Breaking Bad scene Paul wants fans to revisit. Paul gave fans a clue about what to expect from the movie when he pointed to an argument between Jesse and Walt in Season 3’s “One Minute.” In the scene, Jesse blamed Walt for how isolated he’d become from everyone he loved, but moments later, he agreed to work with Walt again anyway.
Cats out of the bag…and the bag is in the river. Here’s a moment from Breaking Bad to slowly prepare you all for what’s to come. #BreakingBad #Netflix #Elcomino ⚗️💎💵💰
— Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8) August 25, 2021
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie is available on Netflix. It makes its cable premiere Sunday, Feb. 16 on AMC.
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie" width="2070" height="3200" title="El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie" data-amp-src="" data-lazy-src="http://image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=%3D&is-pending-load=1" srcset="data:image/gif;base64,">El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie