Dairy farmers to produce organic vegetables

Milma Thiruvananthapuram regional Co-operative Milk Producer’s Union launched Haritha Milma, an initiative to promote organic farming among dairy farmers, here on Sunday.

Milk society members from East Kallada will be cultivating vegetables as part of the project which aims to provide extra income for the farmers while ensuring the availability of chemical-free produce.

Kallada Ramesh, regional chairman, inaugurated the project.

“We are planning to harvest the vegetables during Vishu and the products will be marketed through exclusive Milma counters. ,” said Mr. Ramesh. As part of Haritha Milma project farmer groups will be formed in four districts coming under the region. Dairy farmers will be provided all support to start organic farming and ₹25 lakh has been sanctioned for the project. In the first phase 11 milk societies from the districts belonging to Thriuvananthapuram region will start farming. Seeds purchased from Indian Institute of Horticultural Research will be supplied to the farmer groups.

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