With Chicago Fire‘s eighth season ending so abruptly amid the COVID-19 pandemic, plenty of questions still loom about where the season was headed and what the firefighters of Firehouse 51 were about to face. The Dick Wolf drama was among the more than 100 shows to shut down production in March, forcing the season to end three episodes early, and so fans never received closure on several stories that were only starting to pick up.
Among the stories hanging in limbo is Kidd’s (Miranda Rae Mayo) foray into a new leadership role. In an effort to showcase her abilities more as a capable leader, she began the Girls on Fire program teaching young girls self-confidence through various team-building and firefighter-related activities. But as we saw in the Season 8 finale, one of her girls missed a class which raised some suspicion about her whereabouts and whether or not she might be in trouble. It’s an unresolved issue that needs to be addressed next season.
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There’s also the question of what happens now that Foster (Annie Ilonzeh) — who won’t be back next season — applied to med school and received support from Brett (Kara Killmer) for her decision. Are we going to see the fallout from that interview? Plus, we need to know if Brett and Casey (Jesse Spencer) are finally going to drop all pretense and just admit they’ve caught some feelings for each other.
It’s still unclear what exactly is in store for our favorite firefighters as we head into next season so we’re snatching up all the intel that’s available. Here’s everything we know about Season 9 so far.
, Chicago Fire" width="2070" height="1380" title="Eamonn Walker, Chicago Fire" data-amp-src="https://tvguide1.cbsistatic.com/i/r/2020/03/02/ad572720-b7bd-45ea-9bcd-119a6effbfef/watermark/e987134a76dc3a40cef3b783b57b811f/200302-chicagofire-news.jpg" data-lazy-src="http://image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=%3D&is-pending-load=1" srcset="data:image/gif;base64, https://ten15am.org/chicago-fire-season-9-casting-premiere-date-spoilers-and-everything-else-we-know/R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7">Eamonn Walker, Chicago Fire
New episodes are headed your way this fall. NBC revealed that Chicago Fire will return for Season 9 on Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 9/8c. Plus, Chicago Med Season 6 premieres at 8/7c and Chicago P.D. will head into Season 8 at 10/9c.
Chicago Fire isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The series has already been renewed for three additional seasons — along with Chicago P.D. and Chicago Med — meaning your favorite NBC show about firefighters is sticking around even longer.
Production begins in October: Chicago Fire, like virtually all productions, shut down early in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but will resume filming in early October alongside Chicago P.D., according to Deadline. Chicago Med heads back at the end of the month.
Not everyone is coming back. Firehouse 51 will head into Season 9 without Foster (Ilonzeh), who won’t be returning next season. Her exit was hinted in the Season 8 finale when she took an interview for med school which, judging by her departure, means it went extremely well!
A new paramedic is joining the series. Light as a Feather and Vagrant Queen‘s Adriyan Rae has been added to Season 9 as Gianna Mackey, “a lovable troublemaker with a twinkle in her eye” according to Deadline. She is described as a warm and welcoming person who isn’t a pushover and comes from a working-class family that’s well respected in the community. Fans can look forward to a “charming, scrappy, fun, witty and good-natured” paramedic at Brett’s side next season.
You’re going to see much more Ritter next season. Daniel Kyri, who plays the young firefighter, has been promoted to series regular in Season 9. “[I’m] very excited Daniel is gonna be a series regular this year,” showrunner Derek Haas said in a statement to TVLine. “Ritter has become a big part of Firehouse 51and Daniel plays him with a sincerity and depth that always makes the room excited to write for him. Expect to see some big Ritter action in Season 9.”
Brett will again be put through the emotional wringer. The spunky paramedic faced quite a bit of emotional trauma this year, like reconnecting with her birth mother, Julie, who then died while giving birth to her half-sister. Brett was dealt another emotional blow when Scott, her sister’s father, revealed that they were moving to another town.
“Brett sure had a lot dumped on her plate this year. There will be more coming as her storyline heats up in season 9,” Haas told TV Guide.
But don’t worry, she’ll have Casey by her side. By the looks of it, there will be plenty more Brett and Casey moments next season. Haas confirmed to TV Guide that Casey will be a major part of Brett’s story as she continues to face personal setbacks in the coming episodes.
Kidd’s Girl on Fire story will also pick up next season. The Season 8 finale hinted at a major arc involving Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) and one of her mentees from the Girls on Fire program who goes missing. According to Haas, that story — which was cut short in Season 8 due to COVID-19 — will continue in Season 9.
“We wanted to pay off the trust and confidence Boden placed on her from the beginning of the season. We’re going to have more of it in the coming season,” Haas said.
Season 8 of Chicago Fire is currently streaming on Hulu.
Chicago Fire" width="2070" height="1380" title="Kara Killmer and Miranda Rae Mayo, Chicago Fire" data-amp-src="https://tvguide1.cbsistatic.com/i/r/2020/04/13/9a2b9436-28cd-4cf7-aa5b-25516902392d/watermark/5ebafad38a35f187f73129405b08542a/200413-chicagofire-news.jpg" data-lazy-src="http://image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw=%3D&is-pending-load=1" srcset="data:image/gif;base64, https://ten15am.org/chicago-fire-season-9-casting-premiere-date-spoilers-and-everything-else-we-know/R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7">Kara Killmer and Miranda Rae Mayo, Chicago Fire